Sabtu, 28 Desember 2019

Key Benefits of Zinc

Zinc is an essential trace element that’s found and used by every cell throughout your body.   Essential nutrients cannot be made by your body so you must obtain them through diet or supplementation.

Zinc is only required in small amounts.  However, if you are deficient in zinc – there are very serious consequences!  You require zinc for many highly important functions including hormone creation, immunity, wound healing, and many others.

Key Benefits of Zinc

1.     Major contributor to the immune system’s ability to successfully combat viruses and bacteria.
2.     Helps to create DNA in every cell.
3.     Critical to hormone synthesis and balance (e.g. thyroid, progesterone, cortisol).
4.     Essential for growth and development of babies and children.
5.     Key factor for the creation of enzymes including Super Oxide Dismutase which is arguably the most important antioxidant in your body!  Overall used to produce 300 enzymes.
6.     Key for proper wound healing (often recommended before and after surgery for this reason).
7.     Zinc is required in order to taste and smell anything!
8.     Prevents age-related vision loss.
9.     Naturally stabilizes blood sugar.
10.           Can help control high blood pressure.
11.           Key for male fertility.
12.           Boosts athletic performance through improved muscle repair.

Though outright deficiency isn’t very common in the United States, simply not getting enough zinc can throw important functions out of whack and make you feel not quite yourself.

Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Zinc

·       Loss of appetite
·       Diarrhea
·       Hair loss
·       Hormonal imbalance (especially low thyroid and low progesterone)
·       A weak immune system
·       Brain fog
·       Unexplained weight loss
·       Changes in taste
·       Changes in smell
·       Low libido
·       Poor wound healing
·       Fatigue
·       Digestive issues
·       Developmental delays in children

Factors that increase your risk of zinc deficiency

·       Gastrointestinal surgery
·       Birth Control Pills
·       Leaky gut syndrome
·       Vegetarians and vegans
·       Alcoholic Beverages
·       Sickle cell anemia

Hormones that Require Zinc for production and balance

·       Testosterone
·       Growth Hormone
·       Thyroid hormones
·       Estrogen
·       Progesterone

Zinc is extremely important to produce sex hormones and allowing for reproduction. In fact, zinc supplementation has been shown to improve male fertility and reduce pregnancy complications. Studies have also found that zinc supplementation can help improve strength, confidence and sexual desire.

At Home test for Zinc Deficiency

Purchase zinc sulfate liquid.   Hold a capful in your mouth, while noticing the following sensations:

·       Zero metallic taste –  a likely zinc deficiency

·       A delayed metallic taste –  minimal zinc deficiency

·       Immediate but slight metallic taste –  adequate zinc levels but could use a little more

·       Strong metallic taste –  you have sufficient zinc levels

Best Food Sources of Zinc

1.     Oysters
2.     Grass-fed beef
3.     Turkey breast
4.     Lamb
5.     Sesame Seeds
6.     Pasture-raised chicken
7.     Beans
8.     Pumpkin seeds
9.     Peanuts
10.           Cashews
11.           Sunflower seeds
12.           Cocoa
13.           Pork
14.           Egg
15.           Almonds

 High Quality Zinc Supplements

The best zinc supplements are chelated meaning zinc is bonded to amino acids allowing maximum absorption.   Look for products that contain “Albion Mineral Chelates” like Zinc Bisglycinate from companies like Jarrow, Blue Bonnet Labs.  Another excellent form is “Optizinc” which is another high-quality chelated zinc supplement
How Much Zinc Should You Take?

An adult should be getting at least 40 mg of zinc per day. However, It is possible to take too much zinc, especially in the form of supplements. If you  take too much as you think you could experience:

·       Nausea
·       Abdominal cramping
·       Vomiting
·       Poor appetite
·       Headaches

If you consistently eat foods containing high levels of zinc like those listed above, you likely do NOT need to supplement. 

If you are a vegetarian or vegan and do not eat plenty of nuts/seeds like Pumpkin Seeds (highest food source of zinc available) you probably require a zinc supplement.

Most multiple vitamins contain about 15 mg of zinc so if you are taking a high quality multi with a chelated form of zinc it is unlikely you need more.

The exception would be before surgery or healing from a physical injury or wound.    The other time zinc is highly beneficial is zinc lozenges as soon as you feel a cold coming on – can abort a cold entirely if taken at onset!

Minggu, 22 Desember 2019

How to Make Your New Year’s Resolution Come True

Clue:  If you want to make your resolution come true -- willpower won't get you there!

Achieving goals is best approached as if you are trying to overcome an addiction.  In fact, that is exactly what you are doing. We all tend to become addicted to our lifestyle and habits it is composed of.

"Willpower is for people who are still uncertain about what they want to do."  -- Helia

If willpower is required – there is clearly some type of internal conflict. You want to lose weight, but you also want that beer.

When willpower is required there are two causes:

1. You don't know what you want, and you therefore have internal conflict.

2. You are not committed to a goal/change and have not created the conditions that facilitate your commitment.

What do you really want?

If reaching your goal requires willpower, you haven't figured out what you want. Because once you really make a decision, the internal debate is over.

After you decide what you want, the decision is made. Thus, all future decisions regarding that matter have also been made. No questions.

So, are you serious about your goals? Until you decide, you'll be required to use willpower, and will continue making minimal progress.

Are you committed?

When it comes to achieving goals, commitment involves:

·       Making it public

·       Setting a timeline consisting of small measurable goals that lead to the overall goal

·       Creating several forms of feedback and accountability

·       Removing everything in your environment that opposes your commitment

Once you truly commit - it's as though you've already succeeded. All doubt and disbelief are gone.

Commitment involves building your life around your goals. Your internal resolve, naked to an undefended and opposing environment, is not commitment.

Create conditions that make success inevitable

You will fail to achieve your goals if you don't change your environment.  An alcoholic who really wants to quit drinking needs to not hang around bars and people drinking, but this analogy applies to all goals!

So consciously create an environment that facilitates your commitments. Actually, if you're really committed to a goal, this is exactly what you'll do.

This is how personal growth occurs. We adapt to our environment. Thus, personal growth involves deliberately choosing or creating environments that help mold us into the person we want to become.


Bill Walsh said,"If your why is strong enough you will figure out how!"

If you're required to use willpower:

·       You haven't made up your mind.

·       Your desire (your "why") for your goals isn't strong enough.

·       You haven't fully committed to what you're going to do.

·       Your environment is not in alignment with your goals. You haven't created an environment that facilitates reaching your goals.