Sabtu, 26 Januari 2019

Turmeric – Herbal Anti-Inflammatory

Anti-inflammatory medication is among the commonly used medication in both over the counter and prescription forms.      In addition, many people used anti-inflammatory medication like Ibuprofen, Aleve, and others at high dosages for long periods of time.   The end results are that thousands of people experience serious and sometimes life-threatening side effects such as gastrointestinal bleeding and kidney failure.     While effective these drugs are not meant for long term use.

Enter Turmeric!    Turmeric has been used as a spice is Asian (particularly Indian) cooking for thousands of years.   Like most herbs and spices it was used for its medicinal properties more than for taste!     Turmeric can prevent and treat food-borne illnesses among many other benefits.  Modern research confirms turmeric's antimicrobial properties against many of the germs and bugs found in food.

Turmeric contains many beneficial plant chemicals aka “phytonutrients”.     One of the key chemicals is curcumins.    There are several varieties of curcumin in Turmeric, and like all plants where the plant is grown and how it is supported and harvested determines the quantities of specific beneficial compounds in the herb.  

Turmeric has been heavily studied and modern techniques have been used to produce Turmeric supplements with standardized amounts of key compounds like curcumin.    In addition, other techniques have been used to greatly boost the absorption and utilization of curcumins and other key chemicals in the cells.

The end result is that modern Turmeric supplements are extremely powerful anti-inflammatories with side benefits rather than side effects!     Unlike anti-inflammatory drugs Turmeric improves gastrointestinal function while providing potent anti-inflammatory effects for many inflammatory conditions including:

All forms of Arthritis

Crohn’s and Colitis

Many inflammatory skin conditions

Treatment of traumatic injuries such as ankle sprains, pulled muscles, back injuries, etc.

Research has consistently shown that Turmeric Supplements are as powerful as anti-inflammatory drugs but can be safely taken for long periods of time without side effects making them a great tool for these inflammatory conditions.  Take, for instance, just a few of the most recent research studies published within the past few months showing that curcumin can:

  • Increase lifespan
  • Protect the liver from oxidative stress
  • Kill fungus more effectively than ginger, clove and oregano
  • Induce tumor cell death in the deepest parts of individual cells
  • Kill bladder cancer cells
  • Destroy lung cancer cells
  • Lower blood cholesterol levels
  • Protect against cognitive/memory defects from heavy ion irradiation
  • Standardized Turmeric supplements have been proven to be as effective as Anti-Depressant Medication for the treatment of mild to moderate depression!

Which supplements are best?

There are several outstanding Turmeric Supplements with standardized dosages of key compounds that use proven technologies to dramatically improve absorption and utilization.   These supplements allow consistent dosing and have been proven in multiple research studies.

Meriva - Meriva curcumin phytosome is a unique curcumin extract that is significantly better absorbed than other curcumin extracts.  Phytosomes are plant extracts bound to phospholipids.     All the cells in the body have a phospholipid surface so by binding the curcumin to a phospholipid there is a dramatic boost in absorption and utilization many times higher than supplements not using this technology.

BCM-95 – is another standardized, patented form of Turmeric Supplementation that has been studied heavily and also provides a high level of absorption and bio-availability.  BCM-95 stands for the patented composition of curcumin essential oil complex: 86% curcuminoids and 7-9% essential oils.

Theracumin – is another standardized, highly bio-available Turmeric Supplement.     It is a nano particle colloidal dispersion- Extremely tiny particles close to the nano-scale are made and combined with a gum to form a microscopic dispersible agent.

To determine which product may best suit your needs and to determine an appropriate dosage see this excellent review of bio-available Turmeric Supplements:

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