Minggu, 06 Oktober 2019

The Power of Vertical Training

Vertical training allows low impact, unloading and decompressive exercises and can reduce the frequency of chronic joint symptoms.      There is also strong evidence that range of motion is improved with reduction in pain.

Vertical training is also extremely effective for burning fat, and a study proved that vertical training has the highest caloric expenditure of just about any other workout along with an extremely high post-exercise increase in metabolic rate resulting in an average afterburn of an additional 489 calories burned over the 24 hours following a Vertical High Intensity Interval Training Workout.

What is Vertical Training?

Vertical training was initially developed, tested and validated by a company called Fitwall (www.fitwall.com).   Fitwall equipment includes a ladder/step like device hooked to the wall that exercises are done on.   However other simpler ladder type devices attached to the wall like the exercise ladders used for gymnastics and Barre Classes have been developed.

The fact is you can easily reap the same benefits just performing the exercises on a 
ladder attached to a wall.    The key is being vertical – not just up-sloping. 

What are Vertical Training Exercises?

Vertical Training Exercises occur with either 3 or 4 anchor points on the vertical access which causes a strong activation of the trunk stabilization muscles).

To get a feel for this programming check out this video of a Vertical HIIT Class:  https://www.facebook.com/balancedathletefitnessstudios/videos/1775624019356609/ 

and this video showing a great series of simple, yet highly effective vertical training exercises:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd9jj9NImRQ

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